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is this thing on.. by
Brian Gaff
Not working here again.
----- -
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please!
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test by
Brian Gaff
Now I'm sure there was another thread here a moment agao...
----- -
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please!
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Audio over wifi by
Richard Robinson
Hello. I'm baffled and looking for help.
I've been trying to play audio over my home wifi :- the backend is a
raspbery pi sending audio out via USB into a DAC, the frontend is a laptop
running Debian 8, sending to a pulseaudio "SMC9514 hub digital stereo
(IEC958) on pi@raspberypi" sink (I find pulseaudio deeply obscure and
offputting, but I haven't found much else that offers the possibility...
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Push vs pull by
Richard Robinson
OK, so I went to bed all pleased that I'd got mpd working (again, thanks
to all for the help).
And I woke up thinking "Duh !". Meaning, what if I mount the remote music on
the raspberry fs (plugged into the amp) and run an ordinary player program
on that ? So it's pulling the data over NFS.
This also breaks up and stutters. Not as badly as pushing it, but any is too
much. Oh well, just a...
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MQA examination by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
Just to let people know I'm currently having a look at 'MQA'. This has
various aspects and raises various questions. So work is on-going. However
I've put up a webpage at
which looks at one facet. All being well I'll look at other aspects, and
also 'free and open' possible alternatives. At present the above isn't
linked with my other pages. But...
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Tascam 60D Mk2 and microphones by
Hopefully the right group for the question.
I bought the Tascam 60D Mk2 as a four track recorder on a tight budget
to replace a stereo track handheld PCM recorder (with mic/line input).
I don't have XLR mic yet to test, but the recorder does have stereo
channel 3.5mm so I thought I could use my stereo microphone to record
"atmosphere" as well as the mic on XLR.
The problem is, even with...
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Paging the DIY dinosaurs by
Having listened to a pair of KEF 104aBs in a junk shop recently,
which use the B200 and a BD139 passive radiator in a ~40l box,
I wonder why I've never heard of anyone using a B139 and a BD139
instead of a transmission line or reflex enclosure.
Has anyone seen such a design?
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Germanium Hi-Fi amp ?? by
Phil Allison[_3_]
** Hi,
does anyone still use germanium transistor amps - anywhere ?
Had a late 60s "Nikko TRM40" stereo amp on the bench this week, in sad looking condition. I reckoned it been in storage for a couple of decades and was surely uneconomic to repair. There was plenty of dust inside and ALL the transistors were germanium types plus the power stages used driver transformers for the TO3 outputs,...
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Connoisseur BD1 turntable by
[email protected]
On Saturday, May 15, 1999 at 3:00:00 AM UTC-4, Brian Stirland wrote:
Anyone know where I can get a replacement drive belt for
a Connoisseur BD1 turntable please?
Does anyone sell replacement motors for Connoisseur turntables?
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Yet another thump problem. ;-) by
Dave Plowman (News)
This time, a BBC AM8/16. Basically, a BBC modified Quad 405 to drive the
LS5/8. Has a crossover added to the input to the amps.
One of the two produces a pretty loud squawk on switching off. Not a fault
as such, as plenty early BBC ones in service did the same. But the BBC did
seem to find a cure. The pair I had were ok.
Sadly, the three circuits I've got for the crossover are all the same. ...
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Dave Swarbrick 1941-2016 by
Vir Campestris
This time he really is dead.
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Bootcamp utility Camptune - free for 2Gb redistribution by
Ian McCall
Alright, so it's not the catchiest title the world has even seen but...
If you use Bootcamp, you might find you need to resize the partitions
once in a while. Bootcamp doesn't support doing this - it's strictly
'blow it all away and start from scratch'.
http://www.paragon-software.com/home/camptune/features.html, -does-
allow you to resize and I used to use it heavily. Stopped...
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Quad 405-2 by
Dave Plowman (News)
Got a Quad 405-2 in for repair. Late model with IEC in and out, and the
on-off switch.
Heavily modified. PS PCB added with two lots of rectifiers and caps and
the twin secondaries of the original transformer feeding each one. Dunno
just what difference this makes in practice.
Amps are modded too. Most noticeable are some caps on the reverse side of
the PCB and Burr-Brown OPamps in sockets - Quad...
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HFN searchable index by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
I've been slowly adding to the searchable index I'm compiling of HFN. Now
got to covering v13 although I still lack a few issues of v1. Anyone who
wants a copy can get one from
It is a zip of a flat CSV file, so should load into most spreadsheets, etc.
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Hifi pre-history by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
Just to let people know I've added some examples to the 'valve era' page at
Please use the address on the audiomisc page if you wish to email me.
Electronics http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scots_Guide/intro/electron.htm
Armstrong Audio http://www.audiomisc.co.uk/Armstrong/armstrong.html
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Wow and Forum by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
I've recently given in and have tried joining a 'web forum' on audio (pink
fish). This seems OK, and the people are friendly, but I still find usenet
easier to use. But alas, most people seem to have migrated away from
One thing I've been doing since is that a thread prompted me to start
writing a 'wow and flutter' measurement program. Rough as yet, but this
seems to work OK to the AES...
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MOSFET amp thump. by
Dave Plowman (News)
Pretty basic MOSFET power amp.
I'm used to it thumping at switch on. No speaker relay in this basic
But one of them as taken to thumping at switch off. Not always, which
makes fault finding more tricky.
Most likely cause?
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Voigt Pipe by
Someone gave me a pair of Castle Harlech speakers with one of the
drivers missing.
Imagine my surprise when I discovered that each cabinet has, not one,
but two separate Voigt pipes.
The front half of the box has the woofer and tweeter in a folded pipe.
The rear half has another woofer on top pointing upwards in a second VP,
and both pipes are vented on the base, where a second bottom panel is...
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