Iain Churches[_2_]
Despite spending much of my time recording
editing an mixing in the digital domain, one
of my favourite "music reproducers" is still a
vintage HMV gramophone.
In a radio in interview (1960's ?) Fred Hager who
had been musical director with OkeH Records from
1920 to about 1940, talked about acoustic recording
and the transition from the first vertical cuts in 1916
to lateral cut which had...
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test ignore by
Brian Gaff
A months messages have just disappeared after windoze crash.
----- -
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please!
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Old Wireless world articles. by
tony sayer
Just found these, might be of interest to some he)
Tony Sayer
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Anyone recognise this diagram? by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
I've been working though a folder of old Ferrograph documents, scanning
them to put onto the ukhhsoc website. I came across a circuit diagram that
doesn't look to me like it is of any Ferrograph item. Presumably mis-filed
at some ancient time.
I have put a copy at
http://jcgl.orpheusweb.co.uk/temp/Unknown.jpeg (about 3MB file)
Can anyone recogise this and say what it is?
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Rogers Cadet II by
Phil Allison[_3_]
** Hi all,
speaking of UK Vintage Hi-Fi, a Rogers Cadet II system turned up for repair this week. Three units in a cardboard box - main amp, control unit and phono pre-amp. See pic of similar system:
There was a little rust on the tops of the units suggesting storage in a garage for some time, the white plastic buttons on the push switches had...
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Audio directional cues by
Don Pearce[_3_]
So I have an infection in my right ear, and am pretty much deaf on
that side right now. But I can place audio sources just as well as I
could with two functioning ears.
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test by
Brian Gaff
ignore please checking enews software.
----- -
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please!
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Pushed in dust caps by
While on the theme of questionable upgrades, I've just bought a pair of
S/H ATC SCM 19 speakers - an older pair, the same as these:
They arrived with the dust caps pushed in - both:
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Please listen by
Iain Churches[_2_]
In the thread, "An Interesting Concept" I mentioned a
colleague who is opening a studio in a former Lutheran
church, to specialise in the recording of Baroque and
small classical ensembles.
This studio is different in that the control area comprises
of an octagonal platform on wheels which can be moved
anywhere in the recording space. There is no control-room
window, and the recording personnel...
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old mains plugs by
Brian Gaff
I was just wondering how we used to get away with the switched sockets on
the back of old hi fi amps. My old Rogers has two little two pin sockets,
non shrouded, tiny pins and the construction is pretty cheap. I need one of
these as one has a chip out of its cover on one half. However I suspect they
are not made any more.
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kapellmeister Loudspeaker Enclosures by
[email protected]
Hi, the website linked appears to be now offline. Do you have any live links to it or an offline copy in Adobe format available. I can not get hold of the recommended Altai 8553 DU. Do you have any recommendations of alternative drivers suitable for this cabinet?
Many thanks
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MQA alternative - open source by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
I, and some others, have concerns about the 'closed' nature of MQA and the
way it might give big companies a level of control over what makers and
users of hardware and music may do. So we have been considering the
possibility of an open and free alternative.
This has been discussed on the 'pink fish' forum and I've released a 'bit
freezer' program as a part of this for experiment purposes. If...
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A interesting concept by
Iain Churches[_2_]
A friend of mine has recently had his
55th birthday. On the same day he
was made redundant by the broadcast
organisation for which he has worked
all his life.
He was too young to throw in the
towel, so he decided to set up his
own small studio, specialising in
baroque and small classical ensembles
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HFN Index by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
Just to let people know I've just put up a new version of the HFN index. It
now covers volumes 1 - 16. (i.e. now runs to the end of 1971).
As before, a copy is available from
The file is a zip of a plain CSV file. Anyone who wishes can use this as
they want. e.g. to generate alternative formats, redistribute, etc.
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Charger for MacBook by
Could anyone confirm, from a rather vague description, the correct
charger for:
A MacBook, bought new about 3 years ago (min 2 years, max 4 years), It's
got a retina screen and had an SSD fitted as an option at the time of
purchase. I'm not sure if it's a Pro or not.
I'm working from memory when I saw it last - it's for a friend in
hospital, and he can't be much help beyond knowing he's...
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Hi Fi News index by
Jim Lesurf[_2_]
This is to let people know that I have now extended and made public a new
version of the 'machine searchable' index of the content of "Hi Fi News"
magazine that I am collating.
The new version can be obtained from
The content is a flat plain CSV file that should load OK into most
spreadsheet or database programs. This version now covers all...
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Kef B110 by
Dave Plowman (News)
Was looking at some info today on the KEF B110, and the KEF blurb says it
should be front mounted on the baffle, recessed so the chassis is flush
with the front of the baffle. Yet on perhaps its most famous application,
the LS 3/5a, it's mounted to the back of the baffle.
*Vegetarians taste great*
Dave Plowman London SW
To e-mail,...
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