OT but worrying. by
Brian Gaff
Is it April 1st already?
WattUp®, a revolutionary wire-free, power-at-a-distance charging technology,
today announced Federal Communications Commission (FCC) certification of its
first-generation WattUp Mid Field transmitter, which sends focused, RF-based
power to devices at a distance. As the first FCC certification for
power-at-a-distance wireless charging under Part 18 of the FCC's rules,...
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Goog sounding globe speakers? by
Brian Gaff
Many years ago Toshiba had some globe speakers that sounded quite good.
Basically they had multiple drive units moundted in a shape a bit like a
dodecahedron and covered over with a global mesh. The main construction was
di cast aluminium. You needed a bass bin as I recall, but they sounded quite
good. I wondered if anyone had continued with this type of idea since it
kind of turned the...
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Seeking a pair of speaker stands by
D.M. Procida
I need a pair of speaker stands.
I'm after something that looks like this:
http://images.audioasylum.com/usr/y2011/08/50141/speakers.jpg (i.e
black, square section steel in a design composed of right-angles).
The speakers have a footprint of 20cm wide by 18cm deep, and for
aesthetic reasons the stand needs to match that as closely as possible.
Are there any models I should be looking out for...
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Crosley's top end record player by
Adrian Caspersz
Just spotted some rebranding going on, they know their limitations...
Adrian C
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Ortofon Stylii by
Brian Gaff
Can one still get the stylus for the concorde cart as fitted to many
Technics parallel tracking record playing decks. I find mine is still
working well and being blind I have no problems with putting the arm down in
the wrong place so I'd like to keep it going but it seems to need cleaning a
lot of late and ins a touch sibilant.
Also the Technics has annoying but intermittent fault where it...
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Christmas Snake Oil anyone ?. (V expensive mains extension block). by
Boredom has set in already, so it's time to check out the online
sales, but for some reason I clicked on my HiFi choice bookmark
by mistake and noticed this product :-
"While the basic mains cables that come bundled with components do a
good job of getting it the power it needs to run, they invariably lack
the quality of...
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Beogram 2202 repair/service/set-up by
D.M. Procida
I have a Beogram 2202 turntable, that could do with a bit of attention.
I don't know if it's economically worth it, but it would be nice to have
it running in top condition again.
Can you recommend a UK-based service for repair and service?
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Replacing speaker grille foam by
D.M. Procida
I have an old pair of speakers whose foam grilles turned to dust.
Can they be replaced with any old thing? Or must I obtain special
tempered virgin linear response low distortion acoustic audiophile
expensive foam?
And how difficult is this stuff to cut?
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Two faults on the same channel? by
Brian Gaff
Yesterday I decided to bite the bullet and trace the fault on my right hand
channel old speaker wire that is for the other room. Having discovered a
spiky bit of wire shorting the wire several feet down at a junction block
inside a QED headphone socket and volume box, I thought it was solved, but
the sound, though it was there, was weak and crappy. Move along wire to
another QED box that...
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Bit of luck for once. by
Dave Plowman (News)
My ancient workshop amp failed. Took the mains fuse - and a replacement.
It was assembled from bits I had lying around - including a mains
transformer I've not quite sure what it was made for. And of course it's
always the most expensive bit that fails...
Turned out to be the rectifier. Nice cheap fix - had a spare.
*Windows will never cease *
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Raspberry Pi hi-fi update by
D.M. Procida
A few weeks ago I described a music source I put together:
* Raspberry Pi
* Raspberry Pi 7" touch screen
* Volumio software https://volumio.org
* Allo Boss DAC https://www.allo.com/sparky/boss-dac.html
* music stored on a 64GB USB flash drive
(played through a 30-year-old Cyrus 1 amplifier to Royd Coniston 2
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Jamo Crossovers ... by
Arfa Daily
Hi all. Long time no visit this group. Hope all the usual suspects are
well !
Question regarding the crossover boards fitted to Jamo D870 three-ways.
There are two, connected together. They carry Jamo type / part numbers
53581 and 53582.
Does anyone know the correct connections for certain ? They have been
brought to me on their own with various issues - broken off and missing
resistor etc...
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Speakers aging. by
Brian Gaff
Do speakers change with age. I seem to recall that my Tannoy LLLlzs had more
bass when I first had them. I now have a sub woofer ewith them, but was just
wondering as these are old style speakers these days whether the cone
material does age and get stiffer aaround the edges perhaps?
also looking for some decent sounding small speakers for my bedroom as well
that will run off about 12 watts...
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Running an amplifier unearthed by
Johnny B Good
On Wed, 29 Nov 2017 13:09:28 +0000, Dave Plowman (News) wrote:
In article
D.M. Procida wrote:
If you read uk.d-i-y, you may have seen a thread ("This appliance must
be earthed") about Dutch mains sockets, which are often unearthed.
If I plug a Cyrus 1...
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Running an amplifier unearthed by
D.M. Procida
If you read uk.d-i-y, you may have seen a thread ("This appliance must
be earthed") about Dutch mains sockets, which are often unearthed.
If I plug a Cyrus 1 amplifier (which has an extremely metal case and a
stern label saying "This appliance must be earthed") into an unearthed
socket, do I risk death by electrocution, or worse, poorer sound
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Raspberry Pi hi-fi by
D.M. Procida
I'm going to need an audio source, so I thought I'd try building my own
with a Raspberry Pi.
I'll be playing ripped CDs, from a USB flash drive, and Internet radio.
It will certainly be more convenient than having my CD collection spread
over two locations.
I now have a Raspberry Pi running Volumio, with a board-mounted DAC
(Allo Boss) and a touch-screen.
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Nice little earner;! by
tony sayer
Eat yer heart out Ross theres a new audio magicke bandwagon doing the
Tony Sayer
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test by
Brian Gaff
I think es is a bit oout of date.
----- -
This newsgroup posting comes to you directly from...
The Sofa of Brian Gaff...
Blind user, so no pictures please!
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What is the point of expensive CD players? by
D.M. Procida
Now that the contents of a CD can be held in RAM, never mind in other
cheaper and still very fast digital storage, what does an expensive CD
player offer that a cheap transport and a decent digital-to-analog
converter cannot?
If DAC products can buffer seconds' or even minutes' worth of data, and
can stream it out to the actual DAC circuitry with GHz precision, there
doesn't seem to be much need...
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AV amp recommendations. by
Dave Plowman (News)
Mate has a 20 year old AV amp which is getting past it. Switching is
giving problems despite cleaning.
He'd like a new one with HDMI and toslink etc inputs, that he can use with
his existing surround speakers.
I've not kept up with this side of the market at all.
Any recommendations on where to look first?
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