"Nath" wrote
The problem with selling decent record decks is the buyer is unsure of the
condition of the motor. I heard dropping the platter on the spindle
it. You won't know it's damanged, but it is.
I don't think I'll buy a second hand record deck, rather go to my dealer
buy a brand new one.
Nath, do not underestimate the satisfaction of owning and using a 'new out
of the box' rig and the 'confidence' it gives you every time you put a
record on. (I have been recommending 'go new' for a while now.) I have had a
number of excellent secondhand decks, all of which have been superb - blown
right out out of the water at both ends of the scale by an RPM9 and and a
little Debut
http://www.apah69.dsl.pipex.com/keith_g/debut/debut.htm) for some facts
and figures, links and a load of enthusastic horse-**** penned by me!
(I don't know how these decks compare with the likes of Rega or the New Wave
of sub-£1,000 'high end' decks we are starting to see as I have no
experience of them, but I would say you can't go wrong for the money at
virtually any point in the ProJect range.....)
Let me know direct if you would like a CDR vinyl rip (one totally 'raw' WAV
track per entire LP, including the 'flipover' - possibly 2 LPs on one CDR)
from the Debut. Come to that - if *anyone* would like such a rip, let me
(If only we could see these posts on the vinyl group!)