~misfit~ wrote:
It's nice to have my 'solution' ratified by no less a manufacturer
than Samsung's Hard disk storage division. :-) Also, the turntable is
still working to perfection to this day. If that AR turntable uses a
similar spindle sleeve bearing, I think I can safely recommend a
viscous silicone oil as a tried and tested lubricant.
It was Seagate.
So you replicated this; http://www.nidec.net/graphics/fdbdwg.gif for your
tutrntable? Because that's a HDD fluid bearing designed for HDDs running at
between 5,900 rpm and 15,000 rpm.
Well done!!!
My children had a pair of gerbils when they were young, and we made them
a very nice gerbil home.
One of the features of their residence was a wheel they could run in. It
was made from a round biscuit tin, and a bearing taken from an old hard
disk drive.
Not quite 5900 RPM, but I think it must have been the smoothest running
and quietest wheel a gerbil ever enjoyed.
Sadly, I can't recall the hard disk drive manufacturer, so I have no
idea whether the wheel was actually any good or was simply complete
rubbish that only a moron would have built.