"edd" zoe.hellen wrote in message ...
I have one of these, not arguing for 8 quid. im convinced it makes it sound
better, but i think due to the sheer awefullness of the cd its self. not
convinced on magnetic thingymebob stuff.
Pathetic. Try listening with a beautiful girl and a few glasses of wine, with
a bath waiting with floating candles. Now you try to tell me that doesn't
enhance your listening experience. It's pathetic. "Wave a few magnets in
the correct feng shui direction over the carpet, ..." - How sad, and you don't
even know what "feng shui" means, or how to pronounce it. But you keep
spending money, preferably in my direction, and I'll keep you feeling
warm and fuzzy, especially the latter. Such people make me laugh, really!
Oh, and some spelling lessons wouldn't go amiss. I can do those too! For a
You have ears. Use them!
M.A.Poyser Tel.: 07967 110890
Manchester, U.K.