Trevor Wilson wrote:
"Keith G" wrote in message
(Seems to have worked anyway - Trevor seems to have done a runner!! :-)
**Nope. Trevor lost interest when you decided to cease arguing like a sane
Trevor Wilson
Actually Trevor is fully occupied wriggling and twisting and turning on
RAT after he let on how Rage Audio defrauds customers by changing the
innards of tube amps to solid state without telling the customer, and
then gloating about it on the net. Start reading he
and he
and shudder in revulsion.
If you can't be bothered to read all the ins and outs, here is Trevor
Wilson's own description of how Rage Audio does business:
"**Funny you mention that, Stewart. A couple of years ago, I was asked
service two, stereo, 3 Watt (PP) valve amps. Unfortunately, apart from
several buggered valves, all the electros, many of the resistors and
most of
the old plastic capacitors also required replacement, it had three (out
four) faulty output transformers. This would have put the price into
ridiculous area. Then, I had an idea. I put a pair of small power OP
amps in
each amp. I put a LF and HF filter in front of each OP amp and ran
whole shebang off the filament supplies. I left the valves in place and
the client that I had fixed his amp. If was in any way unhappy with the
result, I would refund his money, in full. The cost, of course, was
significantly lower than replacing all the faulty stuff. After he'd
used it
for a week, he reported that his amps had never sounded so good."
In other posts in the threads referenced Trevor Wilson admits that he
did not tell the customer that he changed operation of the customer's
amplifier from tubes to solid state.
Trevor Wilson is a fraud for fundementally altering a customer's amp
without telling the customer. Trevor Wilson is a thief for stealing the
customer's right of choice. Trevor Wilson took money for these
deceitful activities. Now he brags about it on the net. Would you take
your amp to be fixed at Rage Audio by Trevor Wilson?
Andre Jute