Here's another little comparison between 3 variants of the *same model*
First question is 'Name That Tune' (I asked Don to pick summat, but he
didn't come back on it, so I chose this) - anybody here got a clue who the
band is? My guess is that *nobody* knows them. Clue - the LP itself is
probably older than a good few here and you would have to be seriously cool
(a long time ago) to know them....!! :-)
At the risk of giving the game away, the sleeve notes give: "There was this
mad flamenco person who looked good with flowers in her teeth." :-)
Here are the raw recordings (2m13s each):
Second question is, quite simply, is one of them *better* than the others?
Next is my first real attempt at matching the sound levels after the
recordings (after recent criticisms here ;-), which was called
'normalising' in Sound Forge??? (Is this the right way to go - fuct if I
So, third question is 'Do these sound better for the purposes of a
comparison?' and does any one stand out as 'better than the others?
Cartridge numbers 1, 2 and 3 remain constant throughout, naturally...
(In case any 'transatlantic types' here want to dismiss the sound *out of
hand* as ****, they best be advised all the boxes give the point of origin
as 'Evanston, Illinois, USA'.... :-)