April 26th 05, 03:00 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo....???
Another little teaser posted for offlist purposes but posted here in case it
might brighten someone's day... ;-)
These three 'vinyl' clips (1'10" each):
....are 'near identical' clips of the end of one track and the beginning of
another recorded with three different carts, with no editing (other than a
Fade Out) and NO OTHER adjustments to Recording Level or whatever to enable
a stark comparison to be made. If anyone here is interested enough to pick a
'best' and worst' - OK, better make that a 'least worst' and 'worst worst',
I am always interested in hearing....??
What some may find interesting is that these are OPEN MIC recordings made
using one of my £200 Chinese valve amps:
which will mean that the necessary adjustments will need to be made to
compensate for the 'hollow sound' due to the harsh recording environment
(which, of course, will not be helped by MP3ification and any 'computer
audio' constraints) - step back from the speakers, play them a couple of
times to 'break your ears in' kinda thing....
It might also be interesting to some to know that the driver/splitters on
these amps are the original brand new Chinese CF2s but the power valves
(5881s) are AT LEAST 10 years old!!
(Naturally anyone who will be made 'miserable' by hearing these is advised
not to imbibe..... :-)

April 26th 05, 03:20 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo....???
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 15:00:39 +0100, "Keith G"
Another little teaser posted for offlist purposes but posted here in case it
might brighten someone's day... ;-)
These three 'vinyl' clips (1'10" each):
Number one is definitely the worst, even after levelling - thinner
than the other two. They are hard to tell apart, though.
Is the sizzling coming out of the speakers, or is that part of the
computer recording process? This task would have been a lot easier
with a direct connection, this system is so lacking in bass it almost
sounds like you have filtered it. Can you hear the bass in the room -
what is the microphone? etc. etc. etc....
Pearce Consulting

April 26th 05, 04:03 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo....???
"Don Pearce" wrote
Number one is definitely the worst, even after levelling - thinner
than the other two. They are hard to tell apart, though.
Well done Don - I can always count on a response from you!! ;-)
Interesting comment as the carts in question vary from £325 to £20 brand
new!! (I won't say what atm!)
Is the sizzling coming out of the speakers, or is that part of the
computer recording process?
Yes, I get it all the time recording to one of my computers - no soundcard
yet! (I'm waiting for one to *happen*!)
This task would have been a lot easier
with a direct connection,
OK, I'm painting the kitchen ceiling atm but, as it won't pick up ambient
noise, I'll start the same three recordings direct 'Line In' (no other
adjustments) which is to the other computer - so the sizzle *should*
disappear and post some more clips as soon as I can....
this system is so lacking in bass it almost
sounds like you have filtered it. Can you hear the bass in the room
Yes, absolutely - 'too much bass' is actually a problem from these
speakers - Ruark Paladins with '10 inch' bass units that go down to 38Hz!!
what is the microphone?
Ah, I wish you hadn't asked that one! It's a tiddly little 'tieclip
microphone' (Vivanco EM216) that Glenn booth virtually gave to me (remember
him?) to record Swim's piano playing - I lobbed him a couple of nice 50s
Jazz dupes for it. I could do with a better mic for this sort of thing -
anyone see summat suitable/cheap on eBay atm?
(Those clips needed to be open mic for the purpose I needed them and
particularly to 'illustrate', as far as is poss, the Dynavox amp.)

April 26th 05, 04:45 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
"Don Pearce" wrote
computer recording process? This task would have been a lot easier
with a direct connection, this system is so lacking in bass it almost
sounds like you have filtered it. Can you hear the bass in the room -
what is the microphone? etc. etc. etc....
OK, here they are again, recorded direct to the Line In (no amp, no
speakers, no mic...) on another computer, so there may be a slight
difference in the overall (but unadjusted between takes) Recording Level:
All other factors identical (by cart number)
Here are the originals again for easy comparison:
....hope the 'sizzles' gone, if nothing else!!
Now, which twin has the Toni? - Remember the price spread on these carts is
from 20 to 325 quid brand new!!
Back to the ceiling painting now..... :-)

April 26th 05, 05:04 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 16:45:13 +0100, "Keith G"
OK, here they are again, recorded direct to the Line In (no amp, no
speakers, no mic...) on another computer, so there may be a slight
difference in the overall (but unadjusted between takes) Recording Level:
OK - I'm going to stick my neck out here. I think cart No 3 is the
And I'm changing my order now.
No. 2 is second dearest
No. 1 is the cheapest.
How close am I?
Pearce Consulting

April 26th 05, 05:36 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
"Don Pearce" wrote
OK - I'm going to stick my neck out here. I think cart No 3 is the
And I'm changing my order now.
No. 2 is second dearest
No. 1 is the cheapest.
How close am I?
OK, thanks for that - sweat it for a while Don.
I gotta make more of a showing before Swim gets in or my arse is grass! I'll
post three more radically different clips (Line In only - I've done what I
needed with the open mic) keeping the cart numbering the same as it is now 1
= 1 = 1 etc. (IYSWIM) In a while, soon as I can....
Plus I'd like another opinion on this direct cart comparison, if anyone's up
for it - it's got quite interesting! (Ignore the Open Mic recordings for
this, if you want...)

April 26th 05, 07:38 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:10:51 +0100, "Keith G"
"Don Pearce" wrote
OK - I'm going to stick my neck out here. I think cart No 3 is the
And I'm changing my order now.
No. 2 is second dearest
No. 1 is the cheapest.
How close am I?
OK Don, go again with these longer tracks. The carts have remained the same
(1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3):
(You'll have to match the levels yourself, if you need to - I've no idea how
to do it!! :-)
Not such easy music. The main differences I was hearing were in the
highs - which this is a bit lacking. But I still think that number one
is a bit thin, with something uncomfortable going on high up. 2 is
just a bit dull, and 3 sounds good.
Now come on, tell me how much money I could have saved with my choice
between these three.
Pearce Consulting

April 26th 05, 08:08 PM
posted to uk.rec.audio
Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
"Don Pearce" wrote in message
On Tue, 26 Apr 2005 19:10:51 +0100, "Keith G"
"Don Pearce" wrote
OK - I'm going to stick my neck out here. I think cart No 3 is the
And I'm changing my order now.
No. 2 is second dearest
No. 1 is the cheapest.
How close am I?
OK Don, go again with these longer tracks. The carts have remained the
(1 = 1, 2 = 2, 3 = 3):
(You'll have to match the levels yourself, if you need to - I've no idea
to do it!! :-)
Not such easy music. The main differences I was hearing were in the
highs - which this is a bit lacking. But I still think that number one
is a bit thin, with something uncomfortable going on high up. 2 is
just a bit dull, and 3 sounds good.
Now come on, tell me how much money I could have saved with my choice
between these three.
OK, you've certainly picked well on the money front, but I'm not sure
'audiophiles' would approve!!
No 1 = Shure V15 Mk V xMR = £325 current RRP
No 2 = Shure M95EDM = about £25-50 off eBay and about 30 years old.
No3 = Stanton 500 Mk II = £20 brand new or about £5-10 off eBay!! (A 'DJ'
cart!! ;-)
So you would have saved about £320 - just goes to show, dunnit!! :-)
Me mate Shiny Nigel's just pulled up outside - he'll get the same test 'for
real' now - I'll post here how it goes.
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