OK, the sub's down - it's resting on a crumbling ledge and the least noise
or vibration will send it sliding into the icy, black, bottomless, crushing
depths below. To make matters worse, the cook has just used up a sack of
Brussels Sprouts which were a tad past their Sell By and now the crew have
all got chronic wind. The situation's desperate - it's only a matter of
Woah! Woah! Woah!
Scrub all that - wrong text! (That's my new movie plotline!! :-)
OK, the replacement sub from Proelektra.de turned up today and releases the
damaged one
for a spot of fettling....
As an HT sub, even the damaged one has been quite good just taped up, but a
quick try on my audio kit shows it up to be a hooty thing that, quite
frankly, isn't as good as my speakers on their own! It sounds a lot better
with me sitting on it, so I'm hopeful I can turn it into summat useful for
not much wedge.
I want the sub for 'Headphones' (ask Fleetie) but I'm taking the line that
if it ends up no worse then the original it will be good for another HT sub
if nothing else. I mentioned a while back that I wanted to get the LF off my
fronts. That's been achieved now and (I think) I perceive a cleaner sound
all round - plenty good enough for our requirements anyway.
I haven't dismantled it yet so I don't know what the driver is - chances are
it'll be a bit 'oriental' and a totally unknown quantity in any case. I'm
wishin' and hopin' that transferring the gubbins into a much stouter cabinet
will result in a better sub.
A few questions then:
19mm MDF for the cabinet - any problem with that??
Crossbracing - good idea or don't bother? (It's got none atm, as far as I
can see....)
This one's ported - does the new cabinet have to be?
If not ported, what then?
Glenn B mentioned TS parameters - important or would just copying the
internal dimensions do?
I would appreciate any thoughts or ideas.