I started listening to audio books because my eyesight isn't so good, and
listening to books is much easier than reading them.
Almost all of my audio books are 'spiritual' titles, not to be confused with
religion / theology. I would recommend Eckhart Tolle and Neale Donald
Walsch. I also have Douglas Adam's "The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
and the first four Disc World books by Terry {ratchet.
www.audible.com is a good place to get audio books on-line, to download to
your PC. You can listen to them through the supplied software or burn them
on to CD. The range of titles is rather limited and the sound quality leaves
a great deal to be desired. They're cheap though.
Yes, the author is important. Many audio books are narrated by the book's
author. Many others are narrated by celebrities. Tony Robinson and Nigel
Planer have both done the Disc World books.
Best wishes,
"Baffie" wrote in message
On Sat, 12 Jun 2004 15:50:42 +0100, "David Mellor"
My favourite audio books or my favourite music albums?
Hi David,
sorry,. should have been more specific, I was referring to audio
books. Any suggestions welcome - never tried em before but thinking
about it made them sound quite appealing. I guess the narrator would
be major factor wouldn't he/she?
Please reply to the newsgroup - it's not my email address in the header!!