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  #151 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 07:49 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Andy Evans
external usenet poster
Posts: 759
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

Incidentally Andy, I'm not calling everybody stupid. I'm calling YOU stupid.

Oh yes - what do you want to know, my IQ? I'm a psychologist, I can tell you.
What I've done in my life? Let's just start with five published books. How
about you? I'm not calling you stupid at all - I'm sure your IQ is above
average. I'm calling you an arrogant condescending oik.

=== Andy Evans ===
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  #152 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 08:15 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Don Pearce
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Posts: 1,412
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

On 15 Jun 2004 06:46:31 GMT, ohawker (Andy
Evans) wrote:

But do keep flogging the snake oil; we need charlatans like you to keep the
rest of us looking good.

I've asked you for a selection of your valve amp circuits and you don't have
any. I've told you I've built several good sounding valve amps and I can
provide you with circuits and detailed consruction notes and you ignore me. All
that seems to come from you is hot air, which doesn't even seem to contain any
useful electron streams. I am angry with you because you put people down. I am
angry with you because you are smug and arrogant. I am angry with you because
you turn newsgroups which are for the enjoyment of enthusiasts - right or wrong
in their explorations - into some self propelled crusade to 'expose
incompetence'. I am angry with you because you are inflexible. I am angry with
you because on a nice summer day you seem incapable of goodwill towards others.
I am angry with you because if you have any sense of humour you sure don't use
it. I am angry with you because you make me angry. Probably others are angry
with you too. You don't 'expose incompetence' - you simply get on people's
nerves. What makes you think you have a right to dictate to others? What makes
you think people want to know that even if they hear things through their own
personal experiments "they are hearing nothing", why - because you said so.
Were you there? No. Do you care? No. What do you do with your friends - preach
at them? What do you do with your clients - tell them how wonderful you are?
What do you do with your children - chastise them for their incompetence?
Haven't you noticed that something is wrong in all this? Hasn't it ocurred to
you to LISTEN to people, to keep an open mind, to laugh with others, not at
them? Hasn't it occurred to you to PRAISE others from time to time for their
enthusiasm and joyous spirit of discovery? Let me tell you something - I go to
group therapy every week. I don't need it. I go because I want to be able to
listen to others, be sensitive to others and check how I come across to others.
I'm not proud - like all of us I'm simply human. But I do very much value the
people I share the world with and I do NOT go around calling them stupid.

=== Andy Evans ===
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I think I'm going to cry.

Pearce Consulting
  #153 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 08:20 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Don Pearce
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,412
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

On 15 Jun 2004 06:49:56 GMT, ohawker (Andy
Evans) wrote:

Incidentally Andy, I'm not calling everybody stupid. I'm calling YOU stupid.

Oh yes - what do you want to know, my IQ? I'm a psychologist, I can tell you.
What I've done in my life? Let's just start with five published books. How
about you? I'm not calling you stupid at all - I'm sure your IQ is above
average. I'm calling you an arrogant condescending oik.

=== Andy Evans ===
Visit our Website:-
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You don't need to tell me you are a psychologist - I can see the
twitching from here. And your engineering ability is exactly what I
would expect from a psychologist. Actually, thinking in those terms,
perhaps I was unduly harsh.

Tell you what! I promise I will never pontificate nonsense on
psychology in a psychological news group if you stop spouting ********
on engineering topics here. Deal?

Pearce Consulting
  #154 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 08:47 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Andy Evans
external usenet poster
Posts: 759
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

I promise I will never pontificate nonsense on psychology in a psychological
news group if you stop spouting ********
on engineering topics here

This is an sudio group, although I'm sure you actually see it as an engineering
group. I talk about my actual building experience, not engineering theory,
because as I just said this is not an engineering group. I have no difficulty
with engineering - I have close friends who are engineers and I read as much
engineering theory as I can. I do have 20 years experience of building valve
amps which work and sound good, and that is what I can describe. Many other
enthusiasts on these newsgroups do exactly the same, and we do not appreciate
arrogant supercilious oiks like yourself preaching to us, not helping us,
pretending that happy amateurs are 'ignorant engineers' and spouting irrelevant
theory which has very little to do with the exact contents of posts.

=== Andy Evans ===
Visit our Website:- http://www.artsandmedia.com
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  #155 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 08:48 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Andy Evans
external usenet poster
Posts: 759
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

I think I'm going to cry.

That's the first chink of light Don! You might be human after all.

=== Andy Evans ===
Visit our Website:- http://www.artsandmedia.com
Audio, music and health pages and interesting links.
  #156 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 08:52 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Don Pearce
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,412
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

On 15 Jun 2004 07:47:18 GMT, ohawker (Andy
Evans) wrote:

I promise I will never pontificate nonsense on psychology in a psychological
news group if you stop spouting ********
on engineering topics here

This is an sudio group, although I'm sure you actually see it as an engineering
group. I talk about my actual building experience, not engineering theory,
because as I just said this is not an engineering group. I have no difficulty
with engineering - I have close friends who are engineers and I read as much
engineering theory as I can. I do have 20 years experience of building valve
amps which work and sound good, and that is what I can describe. Many other
enthusiasts on these newsgroups do exactly the same, and we do not appreciate
arrogant supercilious oiks like yourself preaching to us, not helping us,
pretending that happy amateurs are 'ignorant engineers' and spouting irrelevant
theory which has very little to do with the exact contents of posts.

=== Andy Evans ===
Visit our Website:-
Audio, music and health pages and interesting links.

Listen sonny. When you claim that changing a resistor type changes the
performance of an amplifier, then you are talking engineering. Not
only did you do this, you backed it up with claims to be an expert,
and to know what you were doing.

Well, you aren't, and you don't.

Live with it.

Pearce Consulting
  #157 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 09:27 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Jim Lesurf
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,051
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

In article , Andy Evans

I assume the following is copied from what I wrote - although it is not
quoted according to the standard usenet practice. Are you able to set your
news client to attribute quotes with article references? If so, it will
make discussions easier.

My vote tends to go for *informed* choice. Hence I'd like people to try
and understand the physical and engineering reasons why there may be

I completely agree. I'm sure you know by now that I hold engineering in
the highest regard. I doubt whether this is practical, however, and this
raises a whole other raft of questions about what we are measuring etc

The concern I have is that - if the designer/developer feels it is 'not
practical' to fully test and try to understand their design - then they may
be making or using something that is inherently unsatisactory or unsafe in
some way. (see below.)

There are times when it is just a case of 'I prefer A to B' and I don't
think that is intrinsically wrong.

If you are just building for yourself, that choice is open to you. However
it does to me imply a surprising lack of 'intellectual curiousity' in
someone who has the curiousity to spend time seeing if they can develop a
'better' (in terms of preferring it) amp to those on sale. If you are
willing to spend time and effort carrying out experiments, why not also do
them in a more systematic way that might then give you more understanding
of the *reasons* as well?

In practical terms, the advantage of such understanding will be that it
helps you in future to progress more effectively as you have a wider basis
for knowing how to proceed.

If I had the equipment and knowledge and time I'd love to measure
things, but I'm an amateur builder and have limited time to spare. I am,
however, a professional musician and I do know exactly what I'm
listening for, so that's some help.

I agree you need to listen. However I assume you have the basic testgear
of some meters and a decent scope and wavegen. Given these and some test
loads, you can easily do things like check for the stability performance,
transformer saturation, etc, etc. None of this is 'rocket science' despite
what some magazine article may imply. If you doing this already, then
you are dealing with the points I was raising.

Given that you clearly have had the skill and patience and interest, I feel
you would find the above a beneficial approach and you would be pleased to
have expanded your methods in the way I have outlined. You would, I think,
get futher, and also have the good feeling of having a better undertanding.



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  #158 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 09:29 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Jim Lesurf
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,051
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

In article , Andy Evans
Afraid I'm not a 'physicist' any more. I retired last month...

Happy retirement, Jim! Or is another career beckoning...........

More than one. ;-)

1) Gardening. (My wife is astonished!) I now have a hoe. ;-

2) Writing articles for magazines. (This does not surprise her at all. She
just sighed.) Second one sold to HFN recently. Writing another at present
but not sure where it will appear.

3) going in to my old R&D group and annoying them with awkward questions.



Electronics http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scot...o/electron.htm
Audio Misc http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/AudioMisc/index.html
Armstrong Audio http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/Audio/armstrong.html
Barbirolli Soc. http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/JBSoc/JBSoc.html
  #159 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 09:34 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Jim Lesurf
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,051
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

In article , Andy Evans
There is a state in the process of devolpment and design which I tend to
call 'lost in space'. :-) This is where you have a number of variables
and want to 'optimise' a design. Since they all tend to interact, you
may then have no real idea *why*. Nor know that a better result might be
nearby, but you never wandered past it...

I think that's a very succinct way of putting it, and I'd be surprised
if most amp developers haven't gone through this stage. Mind, some of us
enjoy being lost in space.....

Yes, it is probably a universal experience for all scientists, engineers,
and those with an 'experimental' tendency. :-) It can be fun at
times, and lead to unexpected discoveries. However I feel that after a
while we have to use the experience as a basis for trying to be more
systematic and try to 'map' the space and determine our location w.r.t. any
places which are accessible and we wish to reach. This is where
experimentation gives a basis for a scientific approach.

FWIW I have learned a great deal over the years by having people tell me
'absurd' claims about things like cables, amps, etc. By actually spending
time considering and investigating we can find out all kinds of surprising
aspects of physics and engineering that are often unmentioned in basic



Electronics http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scot...o/electron.htm
Audio Misc http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/AudioMisc/index.html
Armstrong Audio http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/Audio/armstrong.html
Barbirolli Soc. http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/JBSoc/JBSoc.html
  #160 (permalink)  
Old June 15th 04, 09:40 AM posted to uk.rec.audio
Jim Lesurf
external usenet poster
Posts: 3,051
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

In article , Trevor Wilson

"Jim Lesurf" wrote in message

I did buy some of the 'Avengers' DVDs, but they went out of print
before I could get them all. Agree with you that these are excellent.

**We must talk. -

Did you manage to get any of the later series, with Purdy and Gambit?
(Mmmm, thinks of Purdy lustfully)

I think they are 'New Avengers', which I'm afraid I don't have. The most
recent series I have is 1968. My preference tends to be for the earlier
series. Probably gives my age away, as does my preference for Hartnell and
Troughton in 'Dr Who'. :-)

Annoyingly, the Avengers were all released on DVD by 'kult tv', but all
deleted after just a year or so as they only had the rights for a short
time. Didn't know this until too late, so don't have them all. :-/



Electronics http://www.st-and.ac.uk/~www_pa/Scot...o/electron.htm
Audio Misc http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/AudioMisc/index.html
Armstrong Audio http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/Audio/armstrong.html
Barbirolli Soc. http://www.st-and.demon.co.uk/JBSoc/JBSoc.html

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