Double CD boxes
Hi All,
For my money, it was a black day when the "slimline double" CD case
was introduced. (Around 1992, if memory serves.) Up until this time,
double albums were packed in double-thickness jewel cases, which held
the discs in standard inserts.
I *hate* slimline double cases. When new, they grip the discs so
securely that I fear for the discs every time I remove them. After a
few weeks use, the tabs then snap off, and the discs fall off the
spindles and rattle around inside the case. If the original jewel case
was a slightly flawed design, the person who designed slimline double
cases should be taken out and shot...
As a result of this, every time I buy a double CD nowadays, I remove
the discs and keep them in a double-width jewel case, (bought in bulk
from online dealers). I then scan the original inlay and print inlays
based on it for the new double case.
However, the size of my collection is now reaching crisis level, and I
am left with two options:
1) Move house so as to acquire some more walls to screw shelves to.
2) Find some more efficient way of storing double CDs.
So, does anyone out there have any suggestions for a slimline-style
double case that doesn't display the failings of the ones so beloved
of the record companies? I.e. holds the discs securely, but not so
securely that it is a struggle to remove them, and doesn't fall to
bits within a month. Compatibility with the inlays in a standard
slimline double case would be an advantage.
Any suggestions gratefully received - or I'll be down the estate
agent... ;-)