QuickFix wrote:
I'm not usre if this is the best place to ask this, but here goes..
I live in a small apartment on the top floor, I have one neighbour who
unfortunately for him shares a wall with my noise room where I
regularly practise my mixing of techno and hardstyle. Obviously I
have the monitor speakers turned up ear bleadingly loud to emulate
conditions at my favourite night venues and a lot of these conditions
evidently manifest themselves in his living room...
Before I fall out with the neighbour completely, I have decided to
look into ways of *cheaply* reducing the volume of the sounds passing
through our shared wall without actually turning the volume of my
music down. Some people have recommended egg cartons, carpet tiles
and even hanging a duvet from the wall, but what I'd like to know is;
do any of these methods actually work? And if not, can anybody
recommend some similarly cheap alternatives?
Buy the neighbour a pair of Bose Noise Cancelling headphones ;-)