"SixPack" wrote in message
My trusty Rotel amp has stopped working - a blown mains transformer
is suspected. There's no voltage on the transformer output.
I know its a long shot, but would anyone know the output
voltages or know where I could get a replacement transformer -
other than by taking it to a dealer?
"UK Nil Point, No Points.
Terry: time to send in a gunboat".
Unlikely to be a blown transformer - Rotel are well noted for the current
output of their amps so it follows that the transformer must be pretty
substantial as well.
No volts out, but has it got any volts in? Daft question but pertinent. If
there's no volts out, is that with it disconnected - i.e. is there a short
on its output (which like a faulty transformer would also likely blow the
mains fuse?) Is there continuity in primary and secondary when disconnected?
If it really is the transformer you would be best to try Rotel for a spare -
you will find difficulty getting one to do the job in the first place, and
even if you could would it physically fit?
IMSMC Rotel used to be handled by Gamepath in Milton Keynes.