Stevie Boy in
" If you ask me, 320k is excessive, especially for portable use.
Well considering the quality of 180k mp3 you can download from the web
I would want something better for my car. Having heard this over my
Hi-Fi via pc not to impressed... but then 320k of same material barely
sounded much better....maybe other factors come into play (soundcard
creative soundblaster live).
Try using
the --r3mix switch in lame.
Okay.... slow down there. --r3mix?
r3mix is the result of experiment by a few techy audiophiles to find the
best settings for arcieve audio. The lame people were so impressed by the
work they built a shorthand for the settings into the encoder. '--r3mix' is
technically synonymous with '--nspsytune --vbr-mtrh -V1 -mj -h -b96 --
lowpass 19.5 --athtype 3 --ns-sfb21 2 -Z --scale 0.98'
A lot of programs using lame have an r3mix checkbox, or they might still
let you specify the swiches. For example, in audiograbber, if you choose
lame as an external encoder you can enter --r3mix %s %d in the arguments
IMO ExactAudioCopy is the best program for ripping cds, and is
(almost) free.
Almost? Go on look harder :-)
Well its 'cardware' - free but for the cost of a postcard to the creator. I
think that's pretty good.
Jim H
3.1415...4999999 and so on... Richard Feynman