kef q15.2 bookshelf , using seperate amps for each driver
I am lucky enough to have been given an amplifier by a colleague who
has recently updated his entire audio system.
This now means i have 2 identical marantz stereo power amplifiers
(same model/year/output). pm151
my speakers have 4 binding posts on each (bi-wireable)can i put the
2nd amp to use by using one amp to drive the mid/bass driver and one
amp to drive the tweters of the speakers which are kef q15.2 ??
If i can, is it just a case of doing the above and then connecting the
amps together then use one for all source inputs cd and record
The only "outputs" these amps have by the way are the high level
speaker outs (4 pairs on each amp) , tape out and digital tape out.