Jase wrote:
Are 192kbps MP3s of a high enough quality that they can
stand up to playing on a monster club sound system?
First of all two points that are semi-made in other comments already: it
depends on encoder and decoder quality and on sound system quality.
I've heard recommendations of a higher
bitrate but would 192 suffice?
I have decided on archiving the content of my compact cassette drawers
in that format becasuse it - with the available encoder and played back
via winamp or the audio application used - seems to be the optimum
combination of qualify vs. space.
There are caveats, some encoding and decoding software sounds less good.
A "monster system" somehow suggests to the that it is "loud crap", in
which case it really might not matter, but spl-control as a safety
measure may matter, the more so as the highly compressed variants of
music come with high long term average values that may make peak levels
that would be "fairly safe" at a REAL (x) concert unsafe.
As for the bass issues mentioned it appears to be that they could be
caused by improper playback options selected in windows. It may come as
a complete surprise to you, but windows generally knows best, and it
knows that if you select desktop loudspeakers then they need "just that"
undocumented eq. It has all kinds of other weird ways of bend the sound
and maxbass it and whatever.
For perceived linear and high quality playback choose the playback
option headphones. I have tried to get documentation of what all those
settings actually do via asking in the relevant newsgroup on microsofts
newsserver, but to no avail.
(x) no, not something to do with realmedia .... something to do with
real sound and/or real sound rendered in unprocessed ways. Using the
realmedia format would btw. be one of the ways of *not* getting
acceptable results in the context in question, they are great for very
low bitrates but less great at higher bitrates.
Kind regards
Peter Larsen
* My site is at:
http://www.muyiovatki.dk *