On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 14:23:13 +0000, Ian Molton wrote:
On Tue, 10 Feb 2004 13:45:23 +0000
Nutter wrote:
Ian stated Optical is cheaper,
No I didnt.
Sorry if I miss-interpreted your original post Ian but I think the
following implies you were saying that a Coax is not cheaper,
therefore you are saying that an Optical is cheaper:
No problem. Use co-ax rather than optical - it's cheaper.
'scuse me? I picked up a 3m optical cable for 6ukp.
they were selling 12m ones for ~20 IIRC.
I pointed out that that is not the case.
No you didnt. You plucked numbers out of the air that you FAILED UTTERLY
to substantiate with real references.
No, that was after we started the 'actual cost argument'. I have made
10m cable from Maplins for at a cost of 40p for 2 connectors and 20p
p/meter. However, this is not my main point.
Phono connectors (49p each):
http://www.maplin.co.uk/products/mod... 00&Products=2
Single core (screened) cable (29p p\meter):
http://www.maplin.co.uk/products/mod...0&Pro ducts=6
That's £3.88 for a 10m cable (oaky slightly more than I quoted), but I
was going back a few years.
Anyway the whole point of my thread was to do with using free cables
or ones you may have lying around, rather than buying expensive
pre-packed and well marketed ones from the hi-fi shop. At no point did
I ever suggest the original poster make up their own cables.
I costed up your maplin 'DIY' job and it would have cost 5ukp inc.
postage, compared to 6ukp for a READY BUILT optical lead (inc. postage)