After Sales Care!
Last year, I purchased a Sony AV amp. After about six months of use, the
machine started playing up. The fault was intermittent and appeared in the
guise of cutting in and out
I took the unit back to the main agent under the guarantee and he kept it
for a couple of days. As with these intermittent faults, sods law, the unit
worked like a dream and it was returned to me by the engineered who was
still scratching his head.
Ok, intermittent faults can be a pain to track down so I took the unit home,
although I was not too happy about things.
Four weeks later the fault reappeared only this time it manifested itself as
a loud hum through the speakers when I turned the amp on and also the
disappearance of all the optical connections. I switched over to the tuner
and adjusted the volume, as I did so there was a distinct crackle, so I
turned the volume down to minimum, however, the tuner was still merrily
playing away!
I returned the unit back to Sony's main agent yesterday, where the guy
seemed less than pleased to see me, nevertheless, he took the unit back. The
phone rang this morning and it was the Sony agent. Yep, the unit is
defective, it was a dud capacitor and guess what, Sony didn't have one in
the country.
Oh I asked, how long will it be? Middle of February was the reply!
Well, we all know that the middle of February means the end of February!
My question is how come a company the size of Sony don't have a simple
capacitor in stock? Ok, I know there are loads of different value caps,
however, surely they could stick one in a jiffy bag and send it by plane for
about a fiver, which I'd be quite happy to pay!
Cheers all