Separates advice
Have just moved out, got a job etc. so I've been researching into putting
together a proper hi-fi rather than the Aiwi midi system I've got at the
Having had a look around I've decided that a Decoder/AMP system is probably
my best bet as I want to hook up the TV, DVD player and (soon) the Sky+ box.
I'm also quite interested in one of these SACD players, although I realise
they're a bit redudant for the time being. Other half has virtually every
games console going so the number of Video inputs is a consideration too.
Fairly happy on the STR DB790
The units I want running through it are a Minidisc Recorder (preferably with
NetMD) - I use this quite a bit not just as something to listen to on the
bus to work but because I do quite a few interviews and stuff using it.
Don't own anything on cassette really either so rather go with this than a
tape deck.
Having had a look around I've worked out that the cheap option is the Sony
MDS JE480, and the not-so-cheap option is the MDS JB980 which is my
Decided that rather than spend money on a CD player, I'd go a bit more up
market and get an upgraded DVD player (current one skips quite a bit on
layer changes and doesn't handle S/VCDs very well). I've noticed there are a
number of DVD players that will play SACDs and a number of SACD players that
play DVDs. Wondered if there was going to be any major difference in
quality. To be honest I just want it to play DVDs and CDs well and have the
option of playing SACDs should I want to. Since I'd already picked two of
the sony QS systems I thought I'd go for the DVP-NS930V (I'm more visually
OCD than aurally - spend most of my time in the Liverpool Barfly so I'm
going deaf anyway...).
Want to eventually get a DAB tuner, hard disk recorder and turn table but
these are all considerations for later in the year.
Was just wondering if anybody had any better suggestions or comments before
I went ahead and spent all my money...
I don't mind paying extra for the looks as long as it works nicely and
I've been nosing through to see if there were any FAQs online but I've not
been able to find any and didn't find what hi-fi much use as it was all the
really really expensive stuff and fancy cables (which I can get once I've
actually got stuff to plug in!). If I've missed the FAQ or anything then I