Apology if Mad Bill Pal m er has been annoying members of uk.rec.photo.adverts?
Sent to uk.rec.photo.adverts on 26 Oct 2003 17:18:17 GMT
Please excuse this intrusion on your newsgroup, but I would like
to take the time to apologize for any annoying messages you may
have received from Mad Bill Pal m er that were signed with my
name. He is no longer associated with me, my alliances lie
elsewhere, but the conniving old fool thinks that he can get away
with posts of a very dubious, boring, non-sensical nature by
pretending that they came from me. Any post purportedly coming
from me but sent from Mad Bill Pal m er's usenet address are false,
forgeries designed to create difficulties regarding my career as a
writer and usenet entertainer/performance artist.
Bill is a delusional man, completely out of touch with reality, a
man who has not a trace of creative or artistic ability, a man who
is impossible to reason with as he has no discernable intellect.
He actually claims that he lives in an imaginary room above a
usenet newsgroup!
Thank you for your attention, and please remember, if it is signed
"Twinkles - the alt.genius dwarf" and is sent from Mad-Bill
Pal m er's address, it is a forgery. Mad Bill is a known forger and
stealer of names, he even admits that he stole the name Bill Pal m er.
Twinkles - the alt.genius.dwarf.