I've started adding some more batches of info to the UKHHSoc 'collection'
of old documents related to UK audio history. The most recent additions are
a section on Beam Echo, plus items on Armstrong and Chapman equipment.
As usual, these can be found via the main index page at
I have more to add which I hope to put up fairly soon. However of late I've
been adding material to my personal/work/family history site at
Most recently, a page on my last visit to the UKIRT, and also material
extending a transcript from some recordings of my Father relating his early
life. Think 'Oliver Twist' in terms of events. Details of how it was about
a century ago. That's "OT" as it isn't anything to do with audio - unless
you count the recordings being made on an old cassette recorder. 8-] But
may be of interest anyway.
Please use the address on the audiomisc page if you wish to email me.
Audio Misc