Keith G wrote:
Oops, better clear up any confusion - that ain't my work, that's a
pic of the amp I intend to build as a 'trial triode'!!
Yup, I'd gathered that an impending project wouldn't be complete yet...
I need to sort this triode thing out for myself - half the world says
they're ****e, the other half says they're the very best sound
(holographic?) you can get (SE) ...
I can't help feeling that the speakers and room would have more to do with a
sound having a 'holographic' quality than the particular type of valve in an
amplifier. So far as I can see, a single-ended triode o/p would be prone to
distortion if it's used to anything like its rated power. I remember
fiddling with load and bias resistors in a pin-board ECC83 preamp I was
messing about with, and was able to dial in any amount of 2nd harmonic
distortion for a given input level.
... and I sure as hell can't/wouldn't
spend the stoopid money for an exotic 'ready-made' number..!!
Nor I. I just don't need a fancy box *that* much. I've been thinking about
home-brew front panels. Apparently, in the model steam engine scene, people
are into making little brass nameplates for their engines.They do it by
applying a resist to the brass and then etch out the design using a
chemical - like making a PCB. The pattern on the resist is made using a
computer and printer, so the layout is as good as one's PC skills will allow
for. After etching, the cavity is filled with paint, leaving the unetched
high spots as brass. It strikes me that that could be a good way to get
clean, accurate and long lasting legends on a front panel for an amp.
Assuming I don't short myself out, I'll be posting pix and and a
description of the build (f*ck-up?) when I'm done!
Take some shots as it progresses - photo of a pile of bits, case with holes,
some of the bits in place, etc.
(Explanation: There's a shop over in the town that sells gerbils with
more 'electronics knowledge' than I have.....!! :-)
If you can solder wire to tags and run it fairly neatly, you should get on
okay if there are good instructions with the kit.