In article , Denny B
Is it possible to measure Impedance with an ohm meter. For example can
you measure the Impedance of a 4 ohm car speaker with an ohm meter?
Yes. You can measure the impedance *at zero Hz* (d.c.) that way. Generally
called the resistance. :-)
When I tell people they cannot measure Impedance with an ohm meter, you
need an impedance meter and the impedance must be measured with the
speaker in operation, with a signal generator supplying a fixed
frequency, this always leads to disagreements with the person who
demands an ohm meter to measure what he calls Impedance, when I tell him
an ohm meter can only measure the resistance of the coil there is always
People believe all sorts of things. ;-
I tell them Impedance is AC resistance and what they measure with an ohm
meter is DC resistance. Disagreement here again.
Will somebody take me up on this and clarify the situation.
See the above. I'd say you are basically correct, and they are wrong. By
all means suggest they have a look at the 'Scots Guide' website (URL in my
sig) if you think this will help them. However if they won't take your word
for it, I am not sure they will take mine, either. Perhaps you can suggest
they buy and read a copy of Horowitz and Hill?
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Barbirolli Soc.