Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
October 26th 03, 12:00 PM Posted to
Replies: 0
Views: 699
FS NVA amplification
NVA P80 passive preamp, PSU1 power supply (for m/c input of pre-amp), 2 x
A70 monoblocks.
Cost over £1300 nine years ago, asking £475.
Send for details / reviews etc.
Forum: (Car Audio)
October 26th 03, 11:58 AM Posted to
Replies: 0
Views: 382
FS - car amp
Caliber "competition" amplifier - boex and in excellent condition. Cost £180
3 years ago.
2 x 40W (rmw) and third output for sub. Complete with heavy duty battery
cables and gold-plated...
Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
August 24th 03, 03:11 AM Posted to
Replies: 0
Views: 505
NVA amps for sale
P80 passive pre-amp (with m/c stage), matching PS1 power supply for m/c
stage, 2 x A70 monoblocks.
Can demo, live near Glastonbury.
Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
August 23rd 03, 12:23 AM Posted to
Replies: 0
Views: 449
FS NVA amps
P80 passive pre-amp (with m/c stage), matching PS1 power supply for m/c
stage, 2 x A70 monoblocks.
Can demo, live near Glastonbury.
Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
August 7th 03, 10:03 PM Posted to
Replies: 0
Views: 609
Primare or Musical fidelity ?
Trying to narrow down my choice of amp to partner a pair of Cadence Anina
hybrid electrostatics (easy 8 ohm load, 89Db efficiency, very open and
natural sound with plenty of bass extension; far...
Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
August 6th 03, 07:52 PM Posted to
Replies: 3
Views: 591
Which amp ?
Aaaagh - trying to think about which used amp(s) to try and listen to as a
replacement for my NVA monoblocks (P80 / A70 / PSU). Thought about Musical
Fidelity A3 (or 3.2) pre/power, Copland 301/505...
Forum: (General Audio and Hi-Fi)
July 31st 03, 07:17 AM Posted to
Replies: 38
Views: 2,307
Sorry for being so dense but how does one do it ?
My monoblocks each have a single pair of speaker outlets, my speakers two
pairs of connecting posts with a bridging strap in place. Do I simply...