Dedicated CD recorder - worth buying or not?
"Gary B" wrote in message
I currently use my pc to copy the occasional cd borrowed from friends/ the
library - using the cd burner on my pc.
However, it's suddenly occurred to me that there must be a reason why
invest in a dedicated digital recorder like the Sony rcd w3 (c £200 - what
hi fi 5 star review..)?
So - I assume its because it produces copies that sound much better than
what I produce using my £40 cd burner at present? - or am I missing
something? Advice appreciated
Not really, unless you spend far too much time in front of a pc and cd
burning is a task too far. And/or you record from non-cd sources and don't
like/can't be bothered to link up the pc. These reasons apply to me - others
might be no pc, pcphobia and so on.
I'm not sure about the technical side. I 'was taught' to rip the cd using
special software (EAC) and burn using particular disks in a particular way.
I have no idea if there's any difference between the burns in terms of sound
quality, or rather I can't hear any difference. I just did it that way to
fuel myths ...