cheap non portable mp3 player?
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December 1st 03, 07:00 PM posted to
external usenet poster
Posts: 383
cheap non portable mp3 player?
I've gone down the route of server + client PC + decent sound card +
smart looking flat screen/keyboard on the shelf alongside the amp
and CD player.
The worst part has been finding some decent, good looking software
to run on the 'client' PC. Currently I'm using iTunes as it has a
good looking user interface but I'm looking at getting something
written to spec to give me exactly the functionality and user
experience I want
why do you need server client
can you not run a standalone pc
Because I don't want a huge, ugly, noisy PC cluttering up my music room;
this way I have a silent PC hidden in a small cupboard and dedicated to
playing music, with just the flat screen and keyboard visible. The server
lives elsewhere together with it's backup device etc
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