Pro-ject Debut Turntable
I doubt it.
Never say never ... all tho *doubt it* is not quite the same :-)
Ever heard of the Pink triangle
Anniversary? If so have you heard it and what did you think of it?
Funny you should mention that. I was actually going to audition Steve's
(prop. The Audio File, Cambridge) own, personal 'one-off' Anniversary
special when I fell over the ProJect RPM9 - which had everything I wanted
and was half the price by the time he had cut me a deal on it. (Ooops,
shouldn'tna said that....). But I never did get to hear it - he was going
bring it round (lives only a mile from me). (No good auditioning gear in
Big missed opportunity! If you liked that you would have liked the CD combo!
Using appropriate amplification they are hardly distinguishable.
So, if anyone wants a PT Anniversary in some 'one-off' finish with (IIRC)
Artemiz arm on it all abs.
Better IMO with an SME V