So, who starts the negative threads (was Pro-ject Debut Turntable)
On Sun, 13 Jul 2003 14:44:51 +0100, "Keith G"
"Paul Dormer" wrote in message
.. .
Julian Fowler wrote:
Anyone any comment to make on these turntables, i've read some
reviews ?
Given that it plays vinyl, it beats a £1,000 CDP in my book.
Hey Keith
Is this an example of those posts where someone asks a question about
vinyl and immediately gets flamed by the anti-vinyl crowd? There was
*no* reason for you stick an anti-CD note in your reply -- if this
what's going to happen on your vinyl-only ng?
He said "in my book" so it's his opinion. What's wrong with that?
Keith's little game at the moment is to introduce CD-bashing comments
into as many threads as he can, mimicing the behaviour that he claims
other posters do with respect to vinyl-bashing.
It implies I prefer vinyl to CDs and that ain't allowed here........
It implies, I think, that you're taking every opportunity to indulge
in a little trolling. C'mon Keith, quote a reference to *one* post on
this newsgroup where anyone has said that you "aren't allowed to
prefer vinyl" (as opposed to the many that point out that vinyl is a
technically inferior medium compared to CD).
Julian Fowler
julian (at) bellevue-barn (dot) org (dot) uk