So, who starts the negative threads (was Pro-ject Debut Turntable)
"Roy" wrote in message
"Dave Plowman" wrote in message
In article ,
Julian Fowler wrote:
Is this an example of those posts where someone asks a question about
vinyl and immediately gets flamed by the anti-vinyl crowd? There was
*no* reason for you stick an anti-CD note in your reply -- if this
what's going to happen on your vinyl-only ng?
This - or similar is how the 'vinyl wars' *always* start. One of the
resident nutcases stating how much better vinyl is than CD at any
opportunity in any thread.
Think their day job must be Jehovah Witnesses...
Well when there's no logical explanation for the continuance of outmoded
ideas, the Evangelists step in.
Well, when there's no logical explanation for the acceptance of inferior
substitutes, the Nutters step in.