I have no time for drunk drivers
In article , Sir.Tony
What r u doing on this news-group? Nasty man!
"veryboring" wrote in message
I would agree.............but perhaps the blair gang are bigger
killers...........would take quite a few **** heads to kill 55,000 dont u
Tony Blair have saved a-lot of lived in Iraq from that evil doctator
(Saddam Hussain). The people are more free now in Iraq now. I suppose you
would also be against the War against Adolf Hitler, twerp
I think, before you start name-calling, you should consult the history-books
- we didn't go to war with Hitler's Germany when they broke the Treaty of
Versailles (cf UN resolutions); we didn't go to war with Germany when they
were raising an illegal army and ammassing weapons (cf wmd); we didn't even
go to war with Germany after they invaded Austria.
We only went to war against Germany when they invaded Poland.
That's a bit different to us invading Iraq because Tony Blair sexed up the
intelligence and duped the British public into supporting him - and then
lying his way out of any criticism which followed and getting an
establishment crony to sex up a report in his favour to boot. Not only that,
despite a narrow remit, he even allowed the report to criticise the internal
workings of our BBC - which had nothing to do with the death of David Kelly,
now did it?
Allan Bennett
Not a fan of wriggling worms