"Chris Morriss" wrote in message
In message , Keith G
Ah, I wish you hadn't asked that one! It's a tiddly little 'tieclip
microphone' (Vivanco EM216) that Glenn booth virtually gave to me
him?) to record Swim's piano playing - I lobbed him a couple of nice 50s
Jazz dupes for it. I could do with a better mic for this sort of thing -
anyone see summat suitable/cheap on eBay atm?
(Those clips needed to be open mic for the purpose I needed them and
particularly to 'illustrate', as far as is poss, the Dynavox amp.)
For 'reference' recording (in the absence of very costly B&K microphones)
the very reasonably priced ECM8000 does nicely, although you will need a
balanced input preamp with a 24V phantom feed, but I can send you a simple
schematic using an SSM2019 (or SSM2017) for that.
Whatever you do, don't use an ordinary mic intended for vocals. They have
a (deliberately) very far from flat response.
Very interesting, but a bit OTT for what I'm doing atm. Thanks anyway.
If Swim continues to make progress and wants proper recordings, she'll have
to stump up for summat with a bit of wire mesh and a valve inside it!! :-)
Neumann M Series??
This one?
Does it *have* to end up looking summat like this:
Will I need much money??
(All *too* nice!! :-)