Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo - Take 2
"Stevie Boy" wrote in message
OK, you've certainly picked well on the money front, but I'm not sure
'audiophiles' would approve!!
No 1 = Shure V15 Mk V xMR = £325 current RRP
No 2 = Shure M95EDM = about £25-50 off eBay and about 30 years old.
No3 = Stanton 500 Mk II = £20 brand new or about £5-10 off eBay!! (A 'DJ'
cart!! ;-)
Ok I'm back by huge demand (well perhaps not!)
Like me then? :-)
having just listened to all 3 pieces via my Boston acoustics pc speakers
and pc I would have rated the same order... i.e 3,2,1 (as Jim rodgers
would say) as the best in sound. The Shure V15 in particular sounded
hopefully woeful in the bass department and some rather awfull ringing in
the voices when via open mic. The Stanton I can see it's 'DJ' interest in
the taught punchy bass response.
Shame ya didn't hang on a wee while longer before telling.... but I made
sure I listened before reading to far into the post.
Well Steve, normally only Don's up this sort of larking around and he wanted
his answers!! ;-)
This says one of four things for me.
1) Shure make **** cartridges
Yep! Spread the word - keep those clowns off the eBay auctions!!
2) Shure are a bad match for your deck
3) The Stanton is a stonking good buy
Actually worked out at a quid, if you take the price of the headshell out of
the equation!!
4) The Stanton may not fair so well up against *stiffer* competition
True. But it is a ballsy little tyke and delivers unbeatable slam for the
more 'dynamic' type of music!! ;-)
(I can see why the DJs like 'em!!)
I don't know if I'd chossen any different had I known the price before
hand. Interesting!
Thanks for playing - it's fun/useful/fun for me. The various
opinions/criticisms expressed are *always* interesting and helpful. I like
the Stanton and plan to get a couple more - this little exercise has helped
me over come my own 'prejudices'!! :-)