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Old April 26th 05, 03:00 PM posted to
Keith G
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,388
Default Il buono, il bruto, il cattivo....???

Another little teaser posted for offlist purposes but posted here in case it
might brighten someone's day... ;-)

These three 'vinyl' clips (1'10" each):

....are 'near identical' clips of the end of one track and the beginning of
another recorded with three different carts, with no editing (other than a
Fade Out) and NO OTHER adjustments to Recording Level or whatever to enable
a stark comparison to be made. If anyone here is interested enough to pick a
'best' and worst' - OK, better make that a 'least worst' and 'worst worst',
I am always interested in hearing....??

What some may find interesting is that these are OPEN MIC recordings made
using one of my £200 Chinese valve amps:

which will mean that the necessary adjustments will need to be made to
compensate for the 'hollow sound' due to the harsh recording environment
(which, of course, will not be helped by MP3ification and any 'computer
audio' constraints) - step back from the speakers, play them a couple of
times to 'break your ears in' kinda thing....

It might also be interesting to some to know that the driver/splitters on
these amps are the original brand new Chinese CF2s but the power valves
(5881s) are AT LEAST 10 years old!!

(Naturally anyone who will be made 'miserable' by hearing these is advised
not to imbibe..... :-)
