"pifor" wrote in message
hello everybody
i'm looking for schematics or any kind of doc about an emt245 digital
EMT never gived any schmetaics and chip's names are cleared by
Like Studer, they are not normally unwilling to disclose part number or
give schematics to other than their agents, who have the proper facilities
for repairs and testing. Studer at least are of the opinion that replacing
a part is not the end of the matter. The unit needs to be fully tested
afterwards to make sure it meets its specification. This can only be done
in a full workshop environment.
However, if the unit to which you refer is no longer in production, it may
be that the agent will be willing to supply a schematic and parts.
If you are in France, you should contact:
Audiopole S.A.S.
33, avenue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny
Cedex 94127
tel: +33 (1) 45 14 47 81
fax: +33 (1) 45 14 47 90
web: http://www.audiopole.fr