best CD blanks for archival storage?
"Robert Morein" wrote in message
"Sonic Man" wrote in message
Say you are a typical recorded sound consumer, and over the last
knows how many years you accumulated
- hundreds vinyl LPs, some vinyl singles, and maybe even some old
- hundreds cassette tapes, prerecorded and your own recordings
- hundreds CDs, prerecorded and your own recordings
with pop, jazz, classical music and spoken word.
Now you decide to invest the effort to put it all in one medium,
so you
can throw away the turntable and the cassette deck. What will you
Convert the vinyl and tapes to .wav files and put them all on CDs
you can play in CD players and on your computer?
Convert everything into MP3 files, back them up on DVDs, and
them into your iPod or home system as needed?
Any other options?
Regarding the MP3 option, if you tried such project, have you run
any problems? Are you happy with the sound quality?
Related: Does anyone have any data on who currently makes the CDs
with the
longest archival life?
Kodak used to cater to that market.
Verbatim did, with their azo-dye blanks, but that dye base has been
I used to use Kodak Gold CDs but can't get them anymore. Then
Expensive World sold similar Packard-Bell, but now they've disappeared
Expensive World are now doing supposed UV filtered discs for picture
storage at £7.99 for 10. Similar/same discs, which are black, not
gold, in Curry's at £4.99.
harrogate2 at ntlworld dot com