The main reason valves & vinyl is better...
Stewart Pinkerton wrote:
On Fri, 29 Oct 2004 13:57:08 +0100, "Keith G"
OK, you know who said this don't you: "When the blokey designed the original
Ongaku, he had a blank cheque, an open brief, all the time he needed and
every single valve in the world was available to him - he chose the 211...."
Which did not of course imply that he knew what he was doing!
The 845 is superior - if you *must* use valves.
I would agree that the 845 has the advantage of lower Ra, so making
transformer design simpiler, and it may be a tad more linear than the
211, but its big problem is its low mu, which places just as many
problems onto the driver stage, so I think you loose as much as you win,
which is often the case with valve design.
I actually prefer the sound of the 211, though while the comparisons
while blind, they were restricted in that the same driver and output
transformer were used for both valves. This may have been against the
845, though it could have instead, been to the 845's advantage, and the
211 was better dispite all that.