The main reason valves & vinyl is better...
"Don Pearce" wrote in message
Keith I really think posts like this are unacceptable displays of
unpleasantness. If you can't stand the heat, just get out of the
kitchen - don't try and throw everybody else out - unless you really
believe that this is your kitchen, that is.
Turning red and stamping and telling everybody you don't like that you
wont talk to them any more really isn't going to fix anything.
You have a nice UK vinyl group of your own where you can go and
promote it to your heart's content if you feel this strongly. Now do
try and be nice - it is nearly Christmas.
The UKRAV debacle mades it very clear that vinyl and tubes don't sound good
at all to these guys unless they have more mainstream types to flaunt their
bigotry in front of.