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Old October 28th 04, 09:15 PM posted to
Keith G
external usenet poster
Posts: 7,388
Default The main reason valves & vinyl is better...

"Dave xxxxx" wrote

(Bought anything today? - No? OK, don't worry, you can buy *two*
things tomorrow!! ;-)

(*Definitely* not binned!)

er yes bought a Croft Vitale

The other day and getting a couple of there power amps built for my
collection has some nice new ones out

Not a million miles out then! (Feck me, I just *knew* it!! :-)

Those Vitale pre's are the *dogs danglers* and cheap as chips, I know that.
I can't believe I never got one myself - I won't ever now as I would/mebbe
will build a pre myself (despite knowing ****-all about electronix and not
being am Injun Ear myself, an' all.... ;-)

IIRC, they have separate Vol controls for each channel which utterly
confounds the Yanks, I gather. (No surprise there...!!) Gives a you a nice
bit of 'balnce control' to square a (sonically) wonky room. Also there are
'silent settings' on the IS, I believe so you dont blow your brains out
switching between sources?? All clever stuff.

In fact when my next power amp is ready and I go to collect it, the
taking mr for lunch :-)

Taking you for lunch - he should send you and yours on a bloody cruise!!

Also thinking of ordering a

its a bit different

Yes, and very much of the 'components are all' school of thought, no?

Bags of pix, when you get the bits and bobs, if you don't mind - you know
the drill! Anyway, fekkin' good luck to ya - if a few more people in here
got as much out of their kit as you do, it would be a lot happier all round!

going to have an extension built one room for storing all the stuff and
other big enough to use two or three set ups at once

Tell me about it - 'Space, the final frontier'....!!! (Azittappens, I run 3
valve setups all the time and am waiting for another amp to get a fourth on
the go! :-)

Got to talk wife into it :-)

Just slap that bitch's face..... ;-)