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Old October 28th 04, 08:04 PM posted to
Dave xxxxx
external usenet poster
Posts: 45
Default The main reason valves & vinyl is better...

Keith G wrote:
"Dave xxxxx" wrote in message
Keith G wrote:
Is because I ****ING SAY SO!

(Not having the balls to reply here won't necessarily mean a few of
you ain't headed for the ****ter in any case - there's a few in
there already and I fekkin' *love* it!!)

So, let's be 'avin' ewe....

Here here

Good ole Dave - the only loony in here whackier than me! :-)

(Bought anything today? - No? OK, don't worry, you can buy *two*
things tomorrow!! ;-)

(*Definitely* not binned!)

er yes bought a Croft Vitale

The other day and getting a couple of there power amps built for my
collection has some nice new ones out

In fact when my next power amp is ready and I go to collect it, the dealers
taking mr for lunch :-)

Also thinking of ordering a

its a bit different

going to have an extension built one room for storing all the stuff and the
other big enough to use two or three set ups at once

Got to talk wife into it :-)