Which amp ?
Aaaagh - trying to think about which used amp(s) to try and listen to as a
replacement for my NVA monoblocks (P80 / A70 / PSU). Thought about Musical
Fidelity A3 (or 3.2) pre/power, Copland 301/505 (to try valve) or even
Bryston 4BSt but in your opinion, do you think these would give a worthwhile
improvement ? Budget for a pre power up to the £1500 mark. Have hear Naim
(too much mid bass), Arcam (too lightweight) and Cyrus (seems very
"sterile") stuff before and none do it for me.
The NVAs sound very open and detailed but I now want the convenience of
remote control, flexibility (they are not really mix and match items - need
to be used with each other for best results) and perhaps a bit more headroom
than their 70W/channel provide. Speakers are Cadence Aninas (hybrid
electrostatic) in a 20' by 12' room. Musical tastes - predominantly modern
jazz but just about anything except reggae and Country and Western.
Or should I consider a complete sawp to ATC actives (Active 10 or 20 with
CA2 control unit) ?
Any opinions out there ?