In article ,
Stevie Boy wrote:
I always thought active was the way to go if you could afford it.
Does not going active reap benefits of the following:
1. less strain on the amps due to frequency bandwidth
A good amp shouldn't be worried by what it's driving.
2. Increased speaker efficiency therefore more dynamic range
The limiting factor will still be toasting the speaker voice coils if you
have sufficient power.
3. Improved amplifier control of speakers through damping factor.
Could be, although most crossovers will effectively couple the bass driver
direct to the amp at the frequencies where damping factor matters.
And a few more likely that dont come to mind.
Well, you could use say a class A amp for the mid frequencies where
distortion is most noticeable. And also the HF - keeping a more efficient
and cheaper A-B amp for the bass.
*I like cats, too. Let's exchange recipes.
Dave Plowman
London SW 12
RIP Acorn