Is Minidisc dead?
In message , The EggKing
Hmmm, thanks for all the opinions. I'm in the process of helping a family
member put together a new PC. So I reckon once my minidisc player dies I'll
leave the format alone. Hopefully by that time SS gear will have dropped in
price so I can stick my music into something the size of a matchbox.
I think I'll levae it a a seperate. I would only be using it to record and
never to play back through my system. I think it's fine as a oprtable medium
and in less than perfect listening situations (eg. on a train or in a car)
when you can't erally give two hoots about the losses. But put through a
decent setup you're definately missing something.
Thanks again
The EggKing
But the latest ATRAC is audibly superior to 128k MP3.
Are there any in-car units that have a CF slot?
Chris Morriss