In article ,
Charles Tomaras wrote:
You didn't have to read between the lines to see that the OP
explicitly asked for something "roughly the size/shape of ear-bud
headphones, or maybe a little larger." In my book this precludes
any kind of "radio hand mic".
It excludes any radio mic. Unless you believe what you see on TV
detective soaps - which wouldn't surprise me.
Believe it:
No, I don't believe it. That's little smaller than other pro radio mic
transmitters - and also excludes the mic. You might like to try fitting it
in your ear like an ear bud headphone, but unless you're an elephant...
TV for years have shown a 'bug' the size of your fingernail being fitted
behind a mirror etc and every word in that room being transmitted to a car
outside. It's called dramatic licence.
*If they arrest the Energizer Bunny, would they charge it with battery? *
Dave Plowman
London SW
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