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Old June 15th 04, 07:46 AM posted to
Andy Evans
external usenet poster
Posts: 759
Default Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?

But do keep flogging the snake oil; we need charlatans like you to keep the
rest of us looking good.

I've asked you for a selection of your valve amp circuits and you don't have
any. I've told you I've built several good sounding valve amps and I can
provide you with circuits and detailed consruction notes and you ignore me. All
that seems to come from you is hot air, which doesn't even seem to contain any
useful electron streams. I am angry with you because you put people down. I am
angry with you because you are smug and arrogant. I am angry with you because
you turn newsgroups which are for the enjoyment of enthusiasts - right or wrong
in their explorations - into some self propelled crusade to 'expose
incompetence'. I am angry with you because you are inflexible. I am angry with
you because on a nice summer day you seem incapable of goodwill towards others.
I am angry with you because if you have any sense of humour you sure don't use
it. I am angry with you because you make me angry. Probably others are angry
with you too. You don't 'expose incompetence' - you simply get on people's
nerves. What makes you think you have a right to dictate to others? What makes
you think people want to know that even if they hear things through their own
personal experiments "they are hearing nothing", why - because you said so.
Were you there? No. Do you care? No. What do you do with your friends - preach
at them? What do you do with your clients - tell them how wonderful you are?
What do you do with your children - chastise them for their incompetence?
Haven't you noticed that something is wrong in all this? Hasn't it ocurred to
you to LISTEN to people, to keep an open mind, to laugh with others, not at
them? Hasn't it occurred to you to PRAISE others from time to time for their
enthusiasm and joyous spirit of discovery? Let me tell you something - I go to
group therapy every week. I don't need it. I go because I want to be able to
listen to others, be sensitive to others and check how I come across to others.
I'm not proud - like all of us I'm simply human. But I do very much value the
people I share the world with and I do NOT go around calling them stupid.

=== Andy Evans ===
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