Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?
Keith G wrote:
"Nick Gorham" wrote
Attempting to produce a valve amp down to mid-fi prices, is doomed to
fail, either you can't do it, or you end up with something that just
echo's some of the assumptions that people make about what a valve amp
sounds like.
Hence kits and DIY. (I'm sure you'd be the first to agree that even the WAD
kits **** all over similarly priced 'mid fi' SS gear like Roksan, Arcam,
Cyrus etc.) But I'm inclined to disagree that *all* valve amps produced to
mid-fi prices (say, £500-1,500) are failures without having heard any of
them. Call it my instincts....
No I am not suggesting that at all, however I wouldn't call a transistor
amp that cost £600 mid-fi, my definition of mid-fi was that range up to
about £500. You can get a very capable SS amp for £500, I don't think
you will see much of a commercial valve amp for that.