Anyone Got a Cheap Valve Power Amp or Integrated Amp For Sale?
Andy Evans wrote:
Attempting to produce a valve amp down to mid-fi prices, is doomed to fail
Not exactly true - attempting to produce a valve amp with mediocre componants
will result in a less than great sound, but not all audiophile componants are
expensive. Mains trannies - isolation toroids/low voltage toroids (cheap, RS
PSU chokes - Maplins 10H 100mA £7
PSU Caps/cathode bypasses - motor run polypropylenes, e.g. LCR £5-10
Coupling caps - Russian teflons £2 ea bulk
Input valves 6J5G £10, 12B4 £5 (USA) or any of 6N30, 5687, ECC99, 6SN7 etc
Resistors - Holco 1W
Output valves for PP: 2a3 £15+ each Edicron, 6L6 bulk buy on ebay £3 ea etc etc
OPT Maplins 6.6K £30
Put that lot together and you have serious audiophile gear on a very low
I agree that if you want to sink money into Lundahl iron you will be writing
out big cheques, but you can get into the ballpark with well designed RC amps.
Sorry, I meant to mean commercial production. DIY I agree you can do
quite a lot on not so much.