I've been surprised at how limited the options for DAB digital radio seem to
be. I'd really like to get a good micro hifi with digital radio, plus analogue
radio, CD and tape. 40 watts or more.
TEAC have added a tri-band DAB tuner as part of their 300-Series range
(TEAC TH-300 DAB Tuner @ around £178.00) which can be added to
other 300-Series separates... Not only do the amp/cd/fm tuner separates
sound good, but they look the dog's danglies too...
As for sound quality, most of the talk stations I get on my Intempo are around
64Kbps, with the music stations ranging from 128Kbps to 160Kbps but I've
yet to experience DAB through a half decent system...
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