Speakers for sale.
Keith G wrote:
My take is that at *normal* listening levels on music where sound quality
counts in small to medium sized rooms (ie not 'rave/dance' music in some
derelict warehouse) on average sensitivity speakers most/all amps are only
producing a small number of watts. Where these 'low power' triode amps come
in, is by having high quality transformers and superior power supplies,
Well, despite me telling you repeatly that power supply and TX's are
important (which they are), in a way, they are not for the key sound
difference that SET's can give. The TX's and power supply are essential
if the amplifier is to have the normal HiFi capabilities of extended
frequency response, and good bass control
At the moment I am using a 1.5w amp, thrown together out of bits a
pieces, using a naff power supply, output transformers got from ebay at
£20 each, and valves designed to be vertical amplifiers from TV sets.
But I still find it more attarctive to use than my 40w 6550 PP. Maybe I
am just loosing it altogether.
(I should point out in my own defence the above amp is a stepping stone
to something more interesting though).